

In the last twelve years, I have traveled to more than 85 different locations providing training sessions that ranged from one to five days. I have given presentations in every one of Canada’s ten provinces and three territories, and in fourteen different American states, as well as in Australia, India, Singapore and the Philippines. 



"...Craig is an articulate, fluent and creative presenter who uses his strong investigative facilitate realistic scenario-based learning experiences for the students...He is truly passionate about his craft, the development of investigational talent and protecting the vulneranble population which (his) training will ultimately serve..."

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Adult Sexual Assault

Child Sexual Abuse

Craig's Philosophy

Prevention, education, treatment and the provision of ongoing services for victims and their families are all essential elements in dealing with child maltreatment. In addition, professionals involved with child abuse know that a proper investigation is critical. As a police officer involved for many years in child abuse cases, my job was to conduct thorough, professional, investigations that elicited all available details, with a minimum of trauma to the child victims. The intent of my training is to provide professionals with the necessary skills to carry out an effective yet compassionate, child abuse investigation.

I provide courtesy consultations to anyone who has taken my training. More in depth case consultations and opinions may be provided on a per fee basis. My primary responsibility has always been to the truth and to the best interests of child victims.


Craig B. Smith, BGS, Certified Forensic Child Interviewer

C.B. Smith Training & Consulting Ltd.

Child Abuse Investigation Training


Smith, C. Shaken Baby Syndrome An investigator's manual, Edited by Dr. Darryl Plecas & Dr. Irwin M. Cohen, University of the Fraser Valley, (2010).